Our Programs
Learn more about the programs we offer
Gwekwaadziwin offers two age-appropriate programs serving youth from age 19+. Gwekwaadziwin programs each consist of three phases: land-based, live in treatment, and aftercare. Gwekwaadziwin’s programs meet the participant on the spectrum of care, from stabilization through treatment, residential aftercare, outpatient aftercare and transition back into their family and community.
Connection to cultural identity and community are critical to recovery and success. Anishinabek teachings and traditions are central to the Gwekwaadziwin programs, and Program Knowledge Keepers are part of the treatment team.
The Four Directions Program and Seven Grandfathers Program are based on the same treatment model, and differ slightly in their delivery to be developmentally, age- and stage-of-life appropriate.
Learn more about our programs
Gwekwaadziwin Program goals
Gwekwaadziwin is committed to helping our young participants create a healthy future for themselves, their families and their communities. Our measures of success are defined by “functional living” and “quality of life.” Success indicators are based on the profile of youth when they enter the program: most are not attending school; they have no job skills or employability; they are involved with police and the justice system; they have been hospitalized for self- harm, drug overdose, suicide attempts; they are chronic runaways with no stable housing; they are depressed, anxious, traumatized; they engage in problematic substance use. The treatment program is designed to address each of these issues.
Expected outcomes
- Healthy future orientation and increased perception of quality of life
- Decrease in crisis indicators like suicidality, hospitalization, police involvement, running away, homelessness
- Decrease in problematic substance use
- Increase in positive mental health and wellbeing.
- Increase in physical health
- Increased knowledge and experience with Indigenous Culture, resulting in stronger identify and increased resilience
- Increased connection to the land and Nature
- Increased life skills including employment readiness
- Educational Engagement: Increased graduation levels from elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education
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