Future Endeavor – Four Directions


Future Endeavor – Four Directions

Ages 13-19, Co-Ed
Program Description

Your journey starts here

This program is still in development.

Phase 1
Wilderness Stabilization
8 to 12 Weeks

The program begins with the Wilderness phase, where participants live and work in nature in groups of up to 8 students and 3 staff. Daily aspects focus on outdoor experiential learning and skill building, like canoeing, hiking, snowshoeing, group games and also include individual therapy and mentoring.

This phase integrates properties of the medicine wheel incorporating physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual stabilization prior to entering the residential treatment portion of the program.

Phase 2
Gwekwaadziwin Campus
6 to 12 Weeks

During the residence phase, participants live at the Gwekwaadziwin facility. This phase of the program focuses on therapeutic treatment, education and life skill development, outdoor experiential learning, and Anishinabek culture. Daily aspects include academics, outdoor activities, expressive arts such as music, theatre, art, communal chores, 

The residential stage is client-centered, with a variable length of stay to meet the needs of individual youths and their family.  It is preparation for a gradual, supported transition back into home life and community.

Phase 3

During this phase participants are assisted with a gradual transition back into their family/support and community. Youth will be supported in setting up all aspects of functional living: school, volunteer service, part time employment, recreation. Participants will be transitioned into the most appropriate setting: family home, kinship care home, foster home, or youth group care home. Youth will be connected with a range of community services.

Staff will maintain regular contact and support youth and their parents via meetings, phone, text message and social media. This program supports the youth’s transition for at least 6 months. The community based Aftercare program also features a quarterly Alumni program that allows clients a means of continued support while also providing mentorship to newer clients in earlier phases of the program.

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