Course Outline

Course Outline 2024

Program Prerequisite | Strengthening Indigenous Perspectives
This is a prerequisite course for the for the Indigenous Land Based Counsellor (ILBC) Micro-Credential Program. This session focuses on history of Indigenous peoples both pre and post contact within Canadian context, specifically focusing on traditional territories in the Ontario region. Students will explore Indigenous ways of knowing and healing and the well-being experienced through cultures, society, and traditions prior to the arrival of European settlers, followed by the profound and lasting impact of colonization. With an emphasis on the ripple effects of colonization, including forced assimilation, residential schools, child welfare systems and systemic discrimination, the course will address how intergenerational trauma manifests in the mental health and addiction field and the challenges faced by Indigenous communities today.
Bundle 1 – Indigenous Perspectives on Concurrent Disorders
Learners gain an understanding of the current mental health and addiction disparities and stigma within the Indigenous population and communities by exploring the impacts of colonial laws, systems, and social biases. This bundle addresses how different diagnoses and prescribed medications may impact therapeutic relationships and the development of an individual’s treatment goals and planning, to provide person centered care and a safe healing environment. Learners delve into how communities are working towards decolonizing perspectives on mental health and treatment approaches by hearing from organizations who have started to reconnect with the land and blood knowledge on traditional healing practices.
Bundle 2 – Land Based Helping
Learners gain perspective on Indigenous values and cultural practices from various Indigenous communities and understand the importance of a trauma informed approach while supporting individuals as they reconnect with their spirit, identity, and each other. This bundle is rooted in the Indigenous ideology that the land is a healer and learners strengthen their ability to weave traditional healing practices, clinical modalities, and risk reduction strategies into treatment programming. Enrich your spirit as a helper by learning about culturally respectful, professional boundaries while building trust, balancing rapport and inspiring personal growth and healing in an outdoor environment.
Bundle 3 – Land Based Programming and Cultural Teachings
This bundle incorporates two (2) sessions of instructed learning to gain an understanding of land based programming logistics, coordination and leadership. By examining and discussing real scenarios with Indigenous Healing Lodges and Treatment Centres, graduates contribute to the progression of future land based cultural programs. The remaining time within this bundle is dedicated to visiting with an Elder and partaking in cultural activities and teachings related to healing either in their own or a neighbouring community. This bundle deconstructs the pan-Indigenous approach to expand the learner’s foundational knowledge of cultural diversity among Indigenous people, ceremonial practices and protocols within Ontario.
Bundle 4 – Organizational and Community Healing
Within this bundle learners explore how to contribute to a trauma informed workplace, by learning about cultural and gender diversity, healthy communication, and working with community and non-Indigenous partners. This bundle addresses the stigma attached to people living with mental health and addiction and that as helpers we can use an intersectional approach to understand how different forms of oppression and power collide.  Learners will gain confidence in practicing self and client advocacy and discuss their future goals as a helper. This bundle also acknowledges the heavy grief and loss that is felt working within the field of mental health and addiction as well as working with or in an Indigenous community. This bundle addresses the impact of prejudice and discrimination towards people struggling with mental health and addictions and individuals a part of the BIPOC community.  The importance of viewing intersectionality as a lens to see the different forms of oppressions interact and influence individual’s lives is highlighted and the learner is required to reflect on their own.
Bundle 5 – Supporting Yourself in Wellness
Learners will challenge themselves by looking at their own spirit and fire. Within the heart of being a helper it is important that learners know how to self-reflect in all areas of wellness; emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental, to maintain and strengthen their fire. Learners will continue their self growth by having the opportunity to visit with Knowledge Keepers from across Ontario to hear stories, learn from the teachings, and try new cultural activities.
Bundle 6 – Land Based Electives
This bundle allows students the opportunity to get hands on learning. Learners will choose three out of the six land-based electives to complete, based on the learners or organization’s interest.